Finalmente la prima intervista per “6/4 of love”

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Copincollo qui il testo di un’intervista rilasciata poco fa e gentilmente “srotolata” dal giornalista.

E’ in lingua inglese quindi dovrete fare un piccolo sforzo.

Era ora no?

L’ultima intervista che mi hanno fatto deve essere di 8 anni fa, quando ancora non facevo dischi decenti.

Uno dice “si vede che il disco parla da sé”. E invece.

Comunque, eccola

Consiglio ovviamente di leggere fino in fondo per non perdervi tutti i particolari, essendo l’unica intervista che probabilmente farò per questo disco ormai uscito troppi mesi fa.

Interview with Shiva Bakta – Lidio, the talented musician behind “6/4 of love”

Hi Shiva, it’s great to have you with us today. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got into music?

Thank you for having me. I’ve always had a passion for music, ever since I was a child. I grew up in a musical family, and my parents were always supportive of my dreams. I started playing the guitar at the age of 12 and never looked back.

Your latest album “6/4 of Love” is receiving a lot of positive attention. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind it?

The inspiration behind “6/4 of Love” comes from my personal experiences with love and relationships. I wanted to create a musical representation of the ups and downs that come with love, and the 6/4 time signature was the perfect fit. It creates a sense of movement and progression, which reflects the journey of love.

All the songs on the album are written in 6/4 time signature, which is not a common choice. Can you talk about the significance of this time signature in your music?

The 6/4 time signature is unique in that it creates a strong sense of forward momentum, and I wanted to reflect that in the songs on the album. It’s a time signature that is often associated with ballads and slow, emotional songs, and I wanted to explore that aspect of it in my music. The 6/4 time signature creates a sense of movement, and I wanted to use that to tell the story of love and relationships.

Your music style is often described as a fusion of indie, folk and pop. Can you tell us about your creative process when writing and recording your music?

My creative process starts with an idea or emotion that I want to express. From there, I start playing around with chords and melody until I find something that feels right. I like to experiment with different sounds and instruments to create a unique sound. When it comes to recording, I like to work with a small team of musicians who understand my vision and can bring their own creativity to the table.

What do you hope listeners will take away from “6/4 of Love”?

I hope that listeners will be able to connect with the emotional journey that I’ve tried to express through the music. I want them to feel the ups and downs of love, and understand that it’s a complex and beautiful thing. I also hope that they appreciate the unique sound that we’ve created with the 6/4 time signature.

Finally, what’s next for you in terms of music and touring?

I have some exciting projects in the works, including some collaborations with other musicians and a few live performances. I can’t give too much away at the moment, but stay tuned!

Thanks for speaking with us today, Shiva. We wish you all the best with “6/4 of Love” and your future projects.

Beh diciamo che c’è abbastanza tutto.

Infatti consiglio webzine e giornalisti in generale di attingere da questa intervista per eventuali aggiunte ad eventuali future recensioni/biografie riguardo “6/4 of love”.

L’intervistatore è Chat GPT e a me è bastato inserire “You are a music journalist. Make an interview about my last album. My artist name is Shiva Bakta, my last name is Lidio, and my last album is called “6/4 of love”, because all the songs are written on 6/4 time signature.” e il giornalista Chat GPT ha sciorinato domande e risposte.

E’ stato edificante.

Oltre che deprimente.


Ringrazio Astutillo Smeriglia per questo post che mi ha ispirato l’idea dell’intervista fake.

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